Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For the one to whom I haven't been able to express!

For the one I care about the most!

The way you kiss me,

You make me go head over heels.

The way you kiss me,

Can I ever explain how it feels?

The way you kiss me,

You make me want to believe in you.

The way you kiss me,

You make me want to believe that all our dreams will come true.

The way you kiss me,

Brings a fear in my heart.

The way you kiss me,

What if we have to be apart?

Scars from the past,

Memories given by others, oh! so bitter -

I want to believe WE will last,

But this heart, oh! it is not a critter!

If it were, I'd ask it to follow you,

It'd go with you, wherever you wanted it to.

I am so confused and restless.

Baby, please kiss me the way you do,

I want to fall for you !

Baby, please kiss me the way you do,

Make me forget everything, but ME and YOU !

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