Thursday, October 14, 2010


I stood at the gate with thoughts so scattered,
Whats the first time going to be like, was all that mattered.
Is he the snoot I've always known him to be,
Or was it my misconception playing tricks with me?

Before my thoughts could mould into a shape,
I saw him nearing towards me on his bike; apprehension was the shade!
A little hesitant in the beginning was I,
But soon we got comfortable, and out of relief, I took a sigh!

If you judge them, you have no time to love them, Mother'd once said,
A lesson learnt and now well sowed in my head.

I'm so glad to be friends with you now,
With you, each moment flees by, I don't know how!
Here's a gift I give you today,
I hope you'll cherish it each and everyday-
My friendship wrapped in silks of warmth and care,
And a friend's promise to be with you everyday, everywhere!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The moon lit the beautiful skies;
My eyes locked into your eyes;
The night, so calm and serene-
It made me believe I was in a dream.

You walked with me;
You pressed my hand;
You held me tight
For a moment that could never end.

Feelings that were caged for so long in our hearts
Were let free, so that they could depart.
These feelings were then sheltered by a kiss
That you quietly placed on my lips.

More pleasant was the air now;
Everything just flowed by, I dunno how!
It was as if the stars showered their blessings,
Unto two souls who were bound by feelings.

You whispered into my ears,
Those few magical words.
That very moment i could foresee,
What the future holds for me.

Then came the time for us to say goodbye-
The feelings were perturbed;
The moment was disturbed.
But as time flew by,
You made me realise,
That moments die never
As feelings remain forever!


For the one to whom I haven't been able to express!

For the one I care about the most!

The way you kiss me,

You make me go head over heels.

The way you kiss me,

Can I ever explain how it feels?

The way you kiss me,

You make me want to believe in you.

The way you kiss me,

You make me want to believe that all our dreams will come true.

The way you kiss me,

Brings a fear in my heart.

The way you kiss me,

What if we have to be apart?

Scars from the past,

Memories given by others, oh! so bitter -

I want to believe WE will last,

But this heart, oh! it is not a critter!

If it were, I'd ask it to follow you,

It'd go with you, wherever you wanted it to.

I am so confused and restless.

Baby, please kiss me the way you do,

I want to fall for you !

Baby, please kiss me the way you do,

Make me forget everything, but ME and YOU !


Anguish, umbrage, resentment, bitterness, antipathy-

Why did I feel the way I did?

Insecurity, anxiety, diffidence, timidity, uncertainty-

What were my reasons for doing what I did?

I may have been unreasonable, irrational, difficult, perverse, unfair.

But didn’t you always know how much I care?

I’d thought you’d hold my hand and help me try,

Instead, you left me alone and made me cry!

Lonely, forlorn, abandoned, dejected, lost-

That’s how I felt when you left.

Loved, adored, worshipped, admired, blessed-

All the emotions of which you made me bereft.

I ask myself every time-

Why do I still feel the way I do for you?

The answer comes from within, each time-

You make me feel the way I do for you!

I have realized how much you love and care,

It is over, the nightmare!

Come back to me baby,

I want to hug you so tight!

Come back to me baby,

I promise I will never fight!

Come back to me baby,

I want to feel the way I do for you,

Come back to me baby,

Please make me feel the way I do for you!